App Defaults (Hemispheric Views)

I guess if 200 people have done it, it’s time for me to jump on the Hemispheric Views defaults bandwagon.

Thanks to Robb Knight for repeatedly posting about it to remind me, I’m also using Manton’s extended list. Unlike Robb, I’m not going to score myself.

📨 Mail Client: Apple Mail, Spark

📮 Mail Server: Self hosted, iCloud with custom domain, MS365

📝 Notes: Notes, Agenda, Drafts

✅ To-Do: Omnifocus, Reminders

📷 iPhone Photo Shooting: Apple Camera

🌅 Photo Management: Apple Photos

📆 Calendar: Fantastical

📁 Cloud File Storage: iCloud, OneDrive

📖 RSS: NetNewsWire, Feedbin

🙍🏻‍♂️ Contacts: Apple Contacts

🌐 Browser: Safari

💬 Chat: Messages, MS Teams, Discord, Slack

🔖 Bookmarks: pinboard (stale)

📑 Read It Later: Instapaper (stale)

📜 Word Processing: Pages, Google Docs, MS Word

📈 Spreadsheets: Numbers, Google Sheets

📊 Presentations: Keynote

🛒 Shopping Lists: Reminders

🍴 Recipes: Paprika

💰 Budgeting and Personal Finance: Numbers, Banktivity

📰 News: Mastodon, Discord, Apple News

🎵 Music: Apple Music

🎙️ Podcasts: Overcast

🔐 Password Management: 1Password

🤖 Code Editing: Textastic, vi

📚 Books: Apple Books, Kindle

🌎 Blogging:, MarsEdit
